Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Test Scenario for ATM Machine

Insert the Card.
Please check the card inserted properly or not.
If the card inserted reverse.
If the card inserted correctly.
It will ask English, Hindi
Click on anyone means English or Hindi.
It will ask Pin Number.
If Pin number is correct, it will show some options like 
Withdrawl,Balance and so on......
If Pin number is wrong , it will ask again.
Now click on your choosen option.if your choice is 
withdrawl click on widhdrawl 
it will ask amount.
it check the balance your amount against the enter amount.
if it is greater than your balance, it will show error 
if it less than of your balance,it will ask do you want 
receipt of this transactinon ? Yes or No
If you click on will get receipt.
If you click on No..there is no receipt.
now you can collect your cash.
Again it will ask continue or exit.
Choise is yours.
If you click on Exit,your inserted card will come out and 
you will get also recipt.